
Jumping Beans Coffee

Jumping Bean Coffee is an organic coffee brand which produces coffee without the use of harmful chemicals. Jumping Beans provide you with variety of organic ground coffees and variety of instant coffees. Take a look at the brand products and packaging made by Pratik Sharma.

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Illustration for you are some drawn or digitally created images, but for me its my way comunicating with people and let me voice be heard when i have no platform to do so. I am always making illustrations daily, but i like to spread or provide something to my audiences any social cause, sports, etc. Illustration and me go hand to hand always in my life.

Give me any ideas to make and i will be posting on Instagram with your name on it?

Diyou Cosmetics

Diyou Cosmetics company offers you variety of cosmetics like lipsticks, moist drips, eyeliner, nail polish, and moisturiser. Diyou Cosmetics produces cosmetics while conserving the energy side by side to take part in environment protection. Take a look at few brand packaging made by Pratik Sharma.

Rasta (From ‘Rasta’) Concept Art

This is a character who is named Rasta which is head in Cyber Bureau of Japan which deals with futuristic criminals. This character was made with the reference or idea of futuristic world and how the solider would be in that world. Rasta belongs to Stori upcoming comic or future short film ‘Rasta’ it is a story of a loyal and honest CBJ head who was false alleged for human trafficking by his colleagues. After spending 10 years in prison, Rasta chooses wrong direction and seeing himself as the biggest villain or criminal in whole Japan and he tears the whole CBJ apart with his hands and becomes the ruler of all criminals. Take a brief look at Concept Art made by Pratik Sharma.

Marvel Comics

These are my few take of making Marvel Comic Accurate Character and using their colour schemes for my illustrations. I am big Marvel fan and always be one forever. Take look at these beautiful art pieces. Character are from Marvel Comics and made by Pratik Sharma.


Official DC’s Joker (Poster)

Two of my submitted five posters were selected for promoting DC’s Joker in 2019. As we know Joker was blockbuster hit of 2019, the intense action, and drama filled movie which tells you the story of Arthur Fleck. Take a look at my Joker posters made by Pratik Sharma. It was circulated on Instagram and opened as most popular poster on social media.


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